Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Explanation 2024
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Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Explanation 2024: बिहार बोर्ड 12th English; Explanation परीक्षा 2024 के लिए

Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Explanation 2024: बिहार बोर्ड 12th English; Explanation परीक्षा 2024 के लिए,

1. A Child is Born


1.The ways of managing childbirth in traditional societies are many and varied.[Sc. & Com. 20184)

Ans. ‘Germaine Greer’ in this extract of her essay “A child is born” wisefully exclaims the ways of childbirth in traditional societies. According to Greer their are many ways. Some of them differ to one another. Their usefulness may be seen in the fact that they are culturally and collectively accepted. In this way their mother does not have mental burden to find out the new ways in course of action. A woman who follows the legitmic ways and religious ceremony will be able to come across the problem.

2. In many traditional societies, the relationship between mother and child is more important than the relationship between husband and wife. [Arts 20194]

Ans. This is extracted from the essay ‘A Child is Born’ written by Germaine Greer a famour feminist writer of Australia. She says that in western countries a woman loses her own name and is known as mother of the first born. If although of course most of us do not protest against the sinking of the woman’s linage under her husband’s name at marriage. In many tradi- tional families the relation between mother and child is more important than relation between husband and wife.


3.A woman who observes all the prohibitions and carries out all the rites will be actively involved in holding the unknown at bay. [Arts 2018A)

Ans. The following lines have been taken from the chapter A child is Born’, written by Germaine Greer, The speaker says in the line that a woman who faces all kinds of prohibitions and follow up all the rites is sure to hold the unknown at bay. It means that the woman should have the right to possess her newborn baby on her own name.


2. How Free is the Press

1. This means that the cheap daily paper, which goes everywhere and has most influence, is far less free than the more expensive weekly or monthly. [Arts 2019A]

Ans. This extract is taken from the essay ‘How Free is the Press’ written by Dorothy L, Sayers. She writes with clearity of thought to make a strong case against mis- reporting by the press or against the misuse of the freedom of the press. Writer says that daily newspapers are cheap. They go, everywhere. they have most influences. But monthly draw a higher proportion of its revenue from sales.

2. “When we speak of The freedom of Press’ government.”

Ans. This has been stated by Dorothy L. Sayers in the essay ‘How Free Is the Press.’ The writer thinks that the freedom of press in technical sense means freedom from direction or censorship by the government in normal times. In this sense, the press is totally free in England. However, there are various ways in which this freedom is restricted by the government or the owners of the press.


3. The Earth


1. w he knew nothing about the stock-markets. But he knew everything about a hen. [Sc. & Com. 2020AJ

Ans. The given line has been taken from the chapter. “The Earth”, written by H.E. Bates, Benjy, the Johnsons only son wanted to earn more and more money. He didnt’t think about stock markets or other way to increases his money intelligently. He got the business of keeping hens and selling eggs. And he only thought and thought of this bnusiness and about increasing hens to get more and more money.

2. It seemed to them that the girl was about to take Benjy away from them.[Arts 20184]

Ans. The following line has been taken from the chapter, ‘THE EARTH’, written by H.E. Bates. The speaker says in the line that the Johnsons had become afraid of the girl named Florence, who was now wife of Benjy. In her presence, Benjy was becoming ruler with his parents, who were afraid now that because of the girl their son was going far from them.


4. India Through A Traveller’s Eyes



1. Religion is ever present in Indian life, in its worst aspect.

Ans. The learned authoress, Pearl S. Buck in this extract of her essay has narrated about Indian life. She feels that religion is ever present in Indian life.She studied deeply the Indian was of life while living among them. She found that indinas had great regards to their elders They also had high respets for great men and woman. She noticed that Indian people were religions minded. In her view, it had the best and the worst both aspects.

2. My life has been too crowded with travels and many people for me to put it all within the covers of one book. [Arts 20194]

Ans. This extract is taken from ‘India through a Traveller’s eyes’ written by Pearl S. Buck, She shows her love for the poorest people living in Indian villages. She says that her life has been crowded with travels. She comes in close contact with many people. She writes her experiments in her book. Real meanings of her writings is not known and understood except Indian readers.

3. Another cleanliness was that our food was served on fresh green banana leaves instead of plates. [Arts 2018A]

Ans. The following line has been taken from the chapter, ‘India Through A Travellers Eyes’, written by Pearl S. Buck. The speaker says in the line, about the cleanness of Indian people. The Indians were found so keen for cleanliness in life that the speaker is highly respectful for it.


5. A Marriage Proposal Anton P. Chekhov

1. “You two’d better hurry up and get married-Have me in peace”.

[Sc. & Com. 2019AJ Ans. These lines have been spoken by Choobookove the father of Natalian in the story ‘A Marriage Proposal’ by Anton. P. Chekhove. Lomov, the friend of Choobookov, loves his daughter but he is not bold enough to put the proposal of marriage before her. One day Lomov and Natalia begin to fight over the quality of their dogs. They start shouting Chookoov feigns that he has a heart attack. Both Natalia and Lomov get nervous and shocked. Then Choobookov comes to his sense and asks them to marry as soon as is possible for them.

Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Explanation 2024

Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Important Question 2024: बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं English; Objective Question,

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