Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Essay 2024
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Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Essay 2024: बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं English, अति महत्वपूर्ण निबंध, यहाँ से देखें…

Bihar Board 12th English 100 Marks Essay 2024: बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं English, अति महत्वपूर्ण निबंध, यहाँ से देखें…


Bihar Board 12th English Essay 2023:

1. Women Empowerment

Women empowerment means ” power to (Sc act. & upon Com in. 2018A every/ walk of women has life”. Unfortunately in our country no such power of strength been provided to women They are treated as house and to remain confined within the boundary of their house wires the and meals children to for look the. after They family only have members the also house to, to perform-wash hold affairs the their clothes. duties They and have to take the to care elders cook of are and being other members neglected of and the are family not. given In short full, it liberty may be or said opportunity that they. As such they are not given equal status with male persons. As a result of that women are not give proper education. Such discrimination has resulted in their backwardness and they do not possess the capacity to serve the society and the nation. Educated women can serve the country in various capacities. The education of children depend mainly upon women. They can teach as well as amuse. They can do research work in art, literature, philosophy and science. Whenever there is flood, famine, earthquake or same, other natural calamity women can also render social service. They are capable of becoming doctor, engineer, scientist and to join military service provied it by their act in all these fields. The defence of the country is most important and women should be given such burden equally with men and they have proven it by their heroic acts, with guns and rifles and to become drivers and pilots defiending borders of our country. It is pleasing that our government has actively taken up the task of women empowerment equally to men.


2. Demonetisation

currency which legal circulation legality coins from ‘ Demonetisation which tender bear is of running notes those no of they of value currency and the currency under are coins aforesaid and made’ the consisting become though. stands The central of currency the government a cancelled a most government piece of vague particular important notes of. rotten term through These/ coins, impose, denomination paper and means devalued. Reserve It memorable means ban and to notes on metal Bank stop the the of/ Narendra day 8th Nov. Modi, 2016, on is behalf in Indian of the history union. government Our Prime-minister announced Sri that 500/-and 1000/-denomination of currency notes will be banned and no longer will be legal tender notes and became develued from the midnight of 8th Nov. 2016. A particular time-limit was announced to exchange those currency notes with the currency of other denomination’s notes and coins. The government’s plea in favour of demonetisation is its merit which will be (i) helpful to check blackmoney flow, (ii) to stop or a brake against terror-funding, naxal and terrorist activities (iii) to encourage digital-transaction, (iv) fairness in direct tax, sales tax and other taxes, (v) Action against illegal trading and so many other illegal activities.


3. A Cricket Match Or, The Game of Cricket Match

This game is very popular game in world. A cricket match was played between Our School Team and Bhagalpur High School, Bhagalpur. It was played in our school playground. The play started with a toss. Our team won the toss and started batting. Two of our batsmen stood in front of each of the wickets of depend them. The opposite party started bowling and fielding. The match was very slow in the beginning but after on hour in gained momentum. Our batsman did excellent and scored Three Hundren Twenty Seven runs. The opposite side then started playing. They did well but our fielders stopped the ball and prevented the opposite batsmen from making runs. They could score only Three Hundren Ten funs. Our team won the game of Seventy runs. We were very happy after the match was over.


4. A Visit to a Place of Historical Importance

During the summer vacation I visited Agra. There I stayed in a hotel. The next morning I hired a taxi to see places of historical import. First I went to see the Taj Mahal which is known as dream in marble. The ” Taj Mahal” was the cynosure of all eyes. The foreign tourists were taking snapshots of this wonderful monument which was built in the sweet memory of his beloved ” Mumtaj”. What an artistry! What a beauty! The Agra city reminded me of the glory that was India. The massive buildings and delicious works of art enthrilled the cockles of my heart. Really, Agra is a city dotted with historical monuments. The Agra fort and nomuments ar Fatehpur Sikri made me rub my eyes in amazement and wonder. My imagination tok winds. It took a trip down the memory lane of the Indian history when the Mughal kings reigned supreme. Now they are all gone. But their fragrant memory in the shape of historical monument still lingers today. O that I were alive then. Still, I cherish the sweet memory of my historical visit to Agra which is known all the globe over for its ” Taj Mahal”-one of the seven marvels of the world today. The importance of a visit to a historical place to be beneficiary because we know the historical place and its Antique piece of buildings, place fort and its beautiness, we know the great era of various empire and is relevent story which come to know a historical place consists its own history infact the historical place our national heritage.

Bihar Board 12th English Essay 2023: Essay Topics For Grade 12th Intermediate

5. Pollution

The fight against the pollution menace has been on since time immemorial. The magnitude of the entertaining problem was less alarming in the earlier times and its solution were also less sophisticated. Even Ashoka the great, put premium on the protection of animals and plants. The world today is full of terrible problems of pollution. We cannot put the clock back and we cannot hark back to simplistic natural state. Technology has made a foray into our life. Industrialization is here to stay. We must have defence mechanism against alarming pollution which threatens the extinction of human lives.

The pollution has resulted from deforestation. Solutions to the vexing problem of air pollution are to be met in the forms of aforestation. Nature has furnished us with a solution to the problem of oxygen deficiency in the ambience in the process of photosynthesis of plants. Hence planting of trees is a remédy to air pollution. After air, soil and water are the major affected areas of bio sphere. Mining and quarrying for minerals, felling of trees for fuel, cleaning of forest for agriculture degrade the soil. The trees should not be axed down. There must be accent on afforestation. Overdose of pesticides is another threatening menace in the agricultural and sector. Protection of environment is a sine qua non for survival of life on this planet. Now in school and colleges, the environmental study has been made the regular subject for studies. The programmes are being launched to combat this hydra headed monster of pollution. There must be an awareness for the preservation of nature. This awareness will be our shield against pollution. Thus to plant trees and save the earth is the clarion call of environmentalists.


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